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Who has not found the

Heaven below
Will fail of it above

Gods residence is
Next to min,
His furniture is love.
The happiest man is he
Who learns from nature,
The lesson of worship
The goal of life
Is living in agreement
With nature
To see the world in a grain of sand
And a heaven in a wild flower
Hold infinity in the palm of your hand
An eternity in an hour.
Adopt the pace of nature
her secret is patience.
I love to think of nature
As an unlimited broadcasting station
Through which God speaks to us
Every hour, if we would only tune in
Nature does not hurry
Yet everything is
The sky is the daily
Bread of our eyes
They may as well have called
The sun a ball of flaming joy
I believe in God
I only spell it
Those who dwell among
The beauties and mysteries
Of the earth, are never alone
Or weary of life.
Nature teaches more than
She preaches. There is no
Sermons in stones. It is easier
To get a spark out of a stone
Than a moral.

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