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However, this motion does not km to have been Co

univerfally ohfervei, hut that fometimes, We. when
the party confined of ladies, it was (I prefume, for
a reafon greatly to their honour) fuperfeded. Thus,
in one of the fief! paintings Rund at Herculaneum,
and now in the (Opt) apartments at Partici, we fee
young female figure exhibited, at playing at this
game, with one or more of the tali lying upon the
back part of her hand, while the ten appear as
haring fallen off from thence towards the floor.

A rule with four joints, each of which contained

about j inches 9-tenths of our ortafare. I think
there was artather in two parts, which anfwered to
the fame proportion.
A weight, infcribed on one fide eve r, and on
the other cascara.
A !mall bale erre, which (after that in the late
Dr. Midd)eton's collertion, and another preferved at
Rome) is the third known to be extant in Europe.
As this ornament was worn by fo great a number of
young perfons at Rome. and made of gold, which is
fo capable of refilling the irduries of the weather,
molfture, fee. one cannot but wocda. at the extreme
Raney of flack monuments in the cabircts of the
curMus. The mon probable way of accounting for
this (according to (.7) Dr. Middleton) is, that tlw

(rt) Cures Ant. Mm. p. 38.


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