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[ 97

of a fkeleton. Signor Paderni told me, that they

had been viewed with great admiration by fad, of
thc irtuofi, as he had (hewn them to and that their
adnUration proceeded Irons thofe fragments appear-
ing not to be of the chorea pi:Tyree/a, but of that of
filk, cotton, or linen. And indeed, if they thould
prove to have been made of any of the mettrials lad
mretioned, it would contrad10 the generally received
opinion (according to (19) Montfaucon), that paper
of filk or cotton, denoted by the common appellation
of chart. dew/wino, was &ft found out in the gth
century ; as that compofed of linen rags (re linteolit
contritis et alga maceratis, as Pancirollus (2o) ex.
reties it) was about thc lath ; and that the former
fupplied the place of the charta papyracea in the
call, as the latter turtle/led the ufc of it in tha
weflell3 parts of the world.
A flat piece of white glafs, taken off from to-
wards the extremity of the theet, as appears from
the curvature and protuberant thickncfs of one of its
fides above the other parts. I have &mai obferva-
bons by me, with regard to this fragment, which I
have not yet had lame to digefl. I null therefore
proceed to the other parts of this colleffion.

To enter into a detail of the paintings found at

Herculaneum, and depoftral in a different part of
the palace at Portici, would he tedious, as their

OW Man. ht. de l'Arad. des Infaip. V. 9.

(ao) Rehm Mem. L a. rca. s 3.
Vot.. so. 0 number,

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