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An Ateount of the FPI: of a Storm

of Mader and Lightning, in the Pa.
r,jlaea of Lone and La nrcath, in the County
o Cornwall, on the 27th Day of June,'
1756. Communicated to the Rev.Jeremall
Mulles , D.D. F. R.S. in two Letters, one
from the Rev. Mr. Dyer, Mimfler of Loco,
and the other from the Rev. Mr. Miller,
Vicar of Duloc, in CornwalL
Fak 4. ("NN Sunday the arh of June laft it
'757 tJ grew on a fudden as dark as a
winter evening s foon after, the lightning began to
and the thunder to roar. The claps were near,
and extremely loud ; and the fightning was more
like darting flames of fire, than flafhes of enkindled
vapour. Happily no damage was done to the town
of Looe, which lies very low ; but at Bucklawren,
village fituated on the top of a hill, about two miles
from hence, a farcn-houfe was Shattered in a moil
furprifing manner. The houfe fronts the loath.
The windows of the hall and parlour, and of the
chambers over them, which are in the front of the
hook, are rallied. The dairy window is the only
one on the weft fide of the hoc,. The chimnics
am on the north fide ; and at the fouth-well corner
there is a row of old clms on a line with the front,
the near& of which is ten feet diftant from the
hook. The lightning kerns to have had a dircftion

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