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lima the dairy window, melted the leak and burnt

the tzlais where it penetrated, anti tit the window-
frame on fire. Float thtnce it darted M Brie from
R W. to N. E. downward, made a large Item itt r
plaiftered partition near the floor into the barn, flat-
tered a large paving rag-fione in pieces, and tearing'
up the ground I fuppofe, funk into the mai The
tints were allbtled with the lightning, particularly
that neaten the hook, from the top of which to the
toot appeared large furrows in the mots, which grew
on the hark, in fame places in en irregular fpiral,
bot foe the moll part in a perpendicular line and
from the root of it the ground was torn up in fur-
rows, as if done with a plough-thare, about fix feet
long,11*furlows gradually leffening according to their
Mance from the tree. All this was done inflanta-
neoady. How wearingly fivik, fulatle, ea power-
ful is the fitrce of lightning ! I am,
Reverend Sir,
Your moll obedient Servant,
James Dyei.

A Lore: frwr tile Rev. M. Mille, ex the fame

fis6etf 1.

B OU T &or of the clock 00 Sunday afternoon,

the fame day that the lighming Bruck thc farm-
hale at Bucklawren, it till upon another honk.
called Pelyne, in the parial of Lamella, about fix
miles dillant. The Isaac front, the call. The
chimney, which is at the north end, is cracked, and
Pu open"'

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