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I beg lave to slime you, my Lord.

that I aro,
with great rel*Ct and &eon,
Your Lordfhip's moll obliged,
and obedient humble Servant,
John Collet.

XVI. A: Arum of tbe Alltrati makinkr

in the Pantheon or Rome I,, an Extraa
of a Letter from Rome to Thomas Hollis,
Efq; oomnankaoed6yJohn Ward, LL.D.
R. S. rire-Praf
Itall , A prrf,a was lately laid before the
government by Paolo Pori, an
archited, for modernizing the infide of the Pantheon,
and unfortunately approved. In contiquence of
whkh, the dome has been already cleaned, and
rough call ; and the remainder of the lead taken
away, which ferted as a lining to the Myer work,
that originally covered it. The velkiges of the cor-
Mon, and other ortuunene of the filter work, were
dikanible in the lead, which was fattened by
very large iron nails. All this was effetted by a
moveabk finffold, that was fixed to the bronze cor-
nice of the open circle above, whereby the temple is
illaminted, and &funded to the cornice of the Attic
order, bekag as carious it the connivance, at &tett-
able for the porpakt intended by it. It is true, we
could not brim fee the dome in its priftine glory
Qa but

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