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a folution of oittleillilnIsfartls, ,44161 tipakdlis

bone time to the air s .ahd an: inAlfion of iron.%
comnitd witcr aim omits a <senior Of the fame kind.
I remember, as I was once carefully ebkrving i
glafs full of a chalyheat water, whiehMettainedran4
of Thai Crallof ; foon slier it seaa capflfed
I obfaved .a tenuious blneifb 'vapour 'riling in4*
parts of the water next The furface, which very:math
diminifhod As tranfparency ; and by degreea this.w.
pour was emitted brAhe kwell pacts'bf the wifeis
but 25 the creamy inarblikit on its Wien; the Vatej
became gradually deprived of the'llTudills
which A received from this haGtnous body ; mblit
was apparently nothing" elle but .the parts of the.a*
moo tenanting from the water, and akending
wards. From whence we may conclude, that if&
creme.. Conti& of the very fineft paits or kW*
tennated to the higheft degrXe.
It has been thc opinion of moll haturalifts, dB
thefe kind of mineral waters do abound in fulphikiS
ow parts. This they have conjeCtured Bons ile
factor, that often attends them. But in what OM,
tity or form thek parts eft in the fluid, or by vlis
means they can be Tendered confpicuous, has nail
yet been fufficiently determined. Yet, I think,*
may fufped forte of the parts of this cremor Inlet
fulphurcous. They are volatile, and, being MAK
do fly off from the pure metalline parts, which being
more fixed, are thereby left dellitute of thofe Mid
colours, which they enjoyed from the fulphoreas
parts. There are evident marks of fulphur, and we
altogether analogous to fonw other appearances of
that mineral. Another obkrvation wadi g to nip
port this is Me want of Thok vitid colours in tilt

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