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Professor: Robert Pefanis


Baikas George
Patapi Maria
Tziliou Charis-Artemis
Tsinavalou Nefeli
CNN is one of the biggest channels in the world. Billions of people are watching daily

CNN’s news and the TV shows. It was founded 1938, by Robert Edward turner. It is the

3rd “superstation” broadcasting channel.

In June 1 1980 it turned into a giant of cable and satellite’s television network. The

Phenomenon CNN was the first 24 hour news channel. It spread around the world and

had 42 bureaus and more than 900 affiliates worldwide. Furthermore, CNN established

regional and foreign-language networks CNN debuted its news website on

August 30, 1995 today is now one of the most popular news websites in the


In 1991, CNN’s coverage of the Gulf War carried around the world. This event greatly

enhanced its global reputation. Another great coverage for the Cable News Network of

the Vietnam War. CNN made great investigations for the usage of chemical weapons

CNN’s format had expired a lot of cable News Services such as:

-CNN Headline News in 1982

-CNN International in 1985

-CNN Airport Network 1992

-CNNfn in 1995

-CNN SI (sports Illustrated) in 1996

-And CNN Turk, etc.

As of December 2004, it is available in 88.2 million U.S households and more than

890,000 U.S hotel rooms. CNN today is cooperating with the most talented and well-

known personalities such as: Jeff Koinange, Al Hunt, John King, Larry King, Mark

Shields, Miles O’Brien, Elizabeth Cohen, Lou Dobbs.CNN has powerful bureaus in the

following states:Atlanta, Boston, Chicago, Dallas, Detroit, Los Angeles, Miami, New

Orleans, Louisiana, New York City, San Francisco, Washington, DC, Seattle.

Additionally it manages to have bureaus outside of the United States in the following

countries: Iraq, Germany, China, Argentina, United Arab Emirates, Cuba, China,

Pakistan, Indonesia, Israel, Afghanistan, Nigeria, United Kingdom, Mexico, Russia,

Kenya, India, Brazil, Italy, Chile, and South Korea.

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