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had extradled; from theT.

watir, becaufc it wax ex-

tremely foul,: by Eciot-ccumbined with fo large ft
proportion.of earth ; which earthy parts were the
occalicuiCf turning the.falt of a blackifh colour upon
the iron. Flowerer, we tx it turpx white by a
cher degree or heat. Big If tile talc had tcen
folved, tiltiated, and.**.afli., tilt it loci ban ms-
rified and_ freed frean.dais tureen matter, it wouid
then Certainly have bad the fame .appearance up,
.the redebot iroa, as a pare alumina. falt., Agni
'as it is .PeCid* to im alumissom Alt., to Jig
form degree; tla4 was mi.
dently the cafe of this falt. Iti eliquation indeed
could not he fo remarkable, as in pure alum, bc_
caufe of its being mixed with fo much earth ; but
that it did liquify in fome degree is plain, beau&
the whole mai of filt m4d rant, eoen when reduca
to a powder, ran all together like a cinder.
The experiment upon the folution of this fait with
ol. tart. p. d. is alfo a further proof of what we have
already afrerted : for tho' there was no vilible rife,
vefrence, yet the bubbles of air Chew, that there was
an intelline conflia of the oil with the acid principle
in the folution ; which being abforbed by the alkali,
the earth was precipitated, to which it formerly ad-

The two next experiments were made in order to

dilcover, whether an acid or alkaline principle pre-
nailed in the water.

34. Forty gutts of the fyrup of violets being

added to an ounce of the water, the mixture became
of a bright fea-green colour.
35. A

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