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But now, to fum up the evidence, which there

experiments, taken all together, do afford, concern-
ing the mineral ingredients of din Spaw s I think
they determine, with fome degree of certainty, that
it contains two different principles of non, both of
which am fixed. The one, which is the ochrous
earth, is a true wriarra ferri, and, altho' it be a crude
mineral, exids in the water in a very fine and !abide
form s the othcr, which is the cremor or pellicle,
whole parts are alfo extremely attenuated in the wa-
ter, appears to be iron, not in its mineral, but in its
metalline form, and, sehen thrown up upon the fur-
face of the water, thews itklf like an extreme thin
lawisa of that metal. There kerns all° to be fome
fmal proportion of fulphur joined with the metalline
cremor. The other mineral ingredient, which enters
into the compofition of this Spaw, is a confiderable
proportion of an aluminous fah, which is conjoined
with a fmall quantity of a light brown-coloured
canh (probably a part of the matrix whence the falt
n formed), and dill more intimately connthed with
form of the chalybeat puts of the water, which are
not feparable from it cithcr by elixation or evapora-
tion. Whether there be kline or terreftrial, I can-
not determine.

Having thut endeavoured to dikover, by fome

plain and limple experiments, the mineral principles,
with which this medicinal water is impregnated
fhall now only add km obfervations, with relpoft
to the origin of Reel waters, and particularly of this
Spaw, whole origin, I think, is thereby difuovcred
and afcertained in a very obvious manner.

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