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anfwered my expeaation.

It is found eithet in round

or broad pieces, is exceeding ponderous, add uf
fhining yellow colour, and is called by the miner,
breyi limps. When I infufed this mineral for a fbert
time in common water, it communicated to it RI
the propeedei of a Reel Spaw; its taRe was exaaly
the fame; and it received a tinflure from galls, which
was of a more diluted or intenfe purple, exordia%
to the proportion of the mineral added to the wakr,
or to the time of the infants. This fimple experk
meet does therefore clearly difcover to us the wow
of Reel watcrs, aod the manner, in which they au
impregnated with their mineral contents in the bowel;
of thc earth.
Tlbs obfervation, which I had madc concerning
the origin of Reel waters, lcd me when I full van/
Ilartfell-Spaw, to inquire into tlie adjacent (dal,:
which was the more cagily done, as the ftrata of clic
earth about the well, for confidcrable depth, ;a
espied to view. After fome Rarch among dick, I
found a ftratum of cliffery rock, about thsee or kw
feet thick, of a grey colour, and, I think, allow
twenty paces from thc fixing. In Come of the hol-
low places of this rock, where the rain and wind
did not roach, I obkrved a white faline calorchrece
on its furface, which when I had taken off and
tailed, I concluded, from its llyptic and chalyleas
cane, that it was a nahve vitriolum Martis, not.
withIlanding in white colour ; but I found it, upon
trial, to be alum, having Come fine attenuated pare
of iron conjoined with i2, and the fame falt with the
contained a the Spew water.


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