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larinez taken tome pieces of this rock, which

were quite free from the aline effervefoente, gad in-
&Id them in comman fpring-water for foam hours,
this water did thereby acquire Lim true tafte of the
Hartle ll-Spaw. Er kkewife in the fame Issiiiner be-
eeived a deep blue tindure with galls, and 'con-
tained all the other qualities of that mineral water,
without the kaft difference, that / could obferve
which, I think. albertains the tam origin of this
mineral fpring las the moll obvious and undeniable

I am perfuaded, that this phin and eafy method

of invelligating the origin of mineral fprings is not
only aperior to the moll learned difctiffsons and
elaberate theorks, but will be found to bet& fined,
yea, the only way of extending and compleating out
knowlege concerning them. As I have not yet had
the opportunity of making the experiments, which
I defigned, upon the two &flits, that we find to be
the <auk of the above mineral waters, and which
will be need-ley to elucidate and compleat there'
obfervations, which we have made concernifig_their
origin ; 1 null now only add elle thing, Ma recom-
mend it to the obfervationqf *yrs: " Whether ar
" not, front lath aline* ef The ortiitt of !Yuri
" tasters, me nr4t- anisirr lartiPial Sun f as
" prat, or perhaps of greater, medicinal ale, than
" !belt, which err =twat prqineed 7"


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