v50 1757-Page 148

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[ 548 ]

XVIII. A Account of the State of the nee,

MINIM, at the Hague ao the 9th of Ja..
nuary 1757. F.atrailed from a Letter of
M. Abraham Trembley, F. R.S. to Tho.
Birch, A A Secret. R. S.
,S. ,757.
Real .ee. T Carefully obferved the thermometer
1. during the cold days, which we have
had this winter. I made de of the fame thermm,
meter, with which I made my obfervationa in 0740.
and for that purpok fixed it in the fame plue, where
it was that year, We. in a window diredly capokd
to the north, and open to a large fquare. In 1740
I faw Fahrenheit's thermometer at two degrees be,
low o. This year, oia the sith day of January ia
the morning, it Wu at three degrees above o ; dot
Only five degrees higher than in 174o.

nx. Experimental Examination of Platina.

By William Lewis, M. B. F. R. S.
rrt H E account of this entsordinip
"57' I mineral, formerly read to this il-
luftriotta Society, and honoured with their 2pp-old-
ies, being Saco publithed to the FS/Optical Troll..

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