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roffirwr, renders any recapitulation of the dikoveries

hitherto made unricroffary.
The near and remarkable relation betwixt platina
and gold, not only in point of grayly, but in many
lefs obvious properties, hitherto fuppored to belong
to gold dont, and their an manifeR difogreement inn
others, particularly colour, dotrility, and fufibility s
induced me to enarninC, what cffetts they might horn
in combination with one another in different propor-
tions ; and whether there is rmfort to audit the re-
port of great frauds haying been committed by mixing
them together ; how for bud) abufes are pratticable
and, what is of more importance, the means by
which they are dikoveralalc

&peritonea f ono Mixture of Plain.. am( Cold.

1. Twelve cares of fine gold, and the farm
cpuntity of the pm= grains of Salina, reCIT urged
an a blall-furoace, for near an hour, with a fire fo
fining, that a flip of Windfor brick, with which dm
crucibk was covered, the defended- by a thin coating
of pure white clay, had begun to oath Upon break-
ing the redid, the metal was found in ono fmooth
lump or bead ; which, after being neared by the
flame of a lamp, and boiled in ahumwater, appeared,

Thd Pfnimmions were adjuAed ammo:ling co MP mat InergRo,

o n by dlefe, thn mOm foleweb of pla .1 uflully reprelled. A
pumas Me manly-four. pan of thewbole compound . dna
of fo many carats Is a compact.* ol Mod, fo many mum,
lambs we bar gold, and Me reit m Infum ma4.

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