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[ 152
In all thefe prom-fres, even where the properties
of platina was (mall, the fufion was performed by
vehemem fire, that the mineral might be tbc mon
intinwtely diffolved, and equally ditrufed thrd tlx
gold. The nmellity of dais precaution appeared fro:
an experiment formerly related ; in which one of
platina having been melted with four of gold, tie
button appeared not much paler than llandard go
with filver alloy. Ott a fecond fufion it loll its yd.
low colour, which had at firft been only external,
from an imperfett mixture, great part of the platina
being concealed in the internal part of the malt, and
covered as it were by golden coat.
The crucibles were rubbed on the infidc with
chalk, to prevent any particles of thc metal free
lodging in their cavities. A little borax was em.
ployed in each as a flux ; with the addition of nitre
by which the colour of gold is fornewhat heightened.
On remelting fomc of the mixtures with illndry mho
additions, powdered charcoal famed to improve du
colour molt.

The preceding compofitions, after being gently
hammered and boiled, were weighed hydrodatically
with great care, by a very tender balance, M &felled
water, wherein du gravity of llandard gold turned
out 17.788.
All the mixtures proved heavier than llandard
gold. Their gravities were nearer to the mediae
of the gravities of the ingredients, then dusk of de
compolitions of ',Latina wah any of the other metals

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