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XX. Extorimental Examination of Marini:

By 'William Lewis, M. B: F. R. S.
Experimehts of drflingui/bing add purifying Gold:
mired with Plighted.

1. By Amalgmiustion with Mercury.

.tm,,,mr.gIN an experiment related in the fotuds
paper, an amalgams of one part of
platina and two of gold with a fuitable quantity of
mercury, having been witurated with water for s
confiderable timc, and occafionally wafhed over, the
platina was gradually thrown out, and the gold re-
tained by the quickfilver.
Repetitions of this experiment have fliewn, elm
the the reparation rucceeds in fotne cates, it does not
perfeCtly in all that if there is any particle of the
plan= imperfeelly diffolved in the gold (which will
generally be the cafe, unlefs the quantity of gold is
three or four times greater than that of the 'platina),
this part will be retained, after long trituration, an-
dill's:bed by the mercury, uncomminuted by du
peRle, and too ponderous to be walled off in in
grofs form. A variety of mixtures of plaina and
gold were neared in the manner above derail:al;
and the gold, recovered from the amalgams, fubmit.
ted to further examinations. Whcrc the proporrice
of platina W2S large, the microkope alms& altars
difcorered ftill forne granules of it on the (nth= in

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