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objelled, that thcf the platina was difeowerabh, who

thus mingled fuperficielly with the gold it may f*,

vcrthelels, when combined more intimately by affark
cludc this method of trial.
l Mixture* of gold with (mall proportiors 4
plattaa ware therefore kept in fulon, by n VOI
thong fire, (or fewral hours, and afterwards dithilw4
in aqua-regd. The folurions being diluted whit
water, and a pure fixed 4haline falt gradually added,
fo long as any effervefcence Of precipitation enrol*
the liquors remained maisiffeilly cukasred, tho' ap,
parently paler than when the two metals bad Iowa
diffolved by themfelves.
a. A more convincing proof, that part of tits
platina remains fulpended, after the preciatke
the gold, was obtained, by putting into the filtered
liquors fome plates of pure tin, which picked,
contraered an olive bale, and threw down a Iwo
quantity of a brownifh precipitate, as from the cook.
mon folittions of the crude mirseral. It was obfrag.
able, that thc tin plates were often fenfibly aftcd
even whilti the liquor was overcharged with alkalh
3. It has been further fuggefted, and with grew
appearance of probability, that as a part of !shawl is
precipitated as well as gold by alkaline faits, if only
this part be mixed with gold, it will be thrown down
by them again upon diffolving the compound. To
determine this point, a precipitate of glatina nada
by fixed alkali was melted with thrice KS weight of
fine gold, and kept in thong (ulna for above u
hour they united more eafily than go.d docs with
fo large a proportion of the crude tnincral, cad
formed a fmooth mat bead, which hammered WM

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