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r t59

into a pretty thin plate before It cracked, and ap-

peared internally uniform and tqual. This com-
pound being diffolved in aqua-regia and a (mad al-
kaiine fait added by degrees till the acid wars more
than faturated, the liquor became indeed pale ; but
tin pletes put into it quickly dikevered, that it held
very confiderable quantity of platina. It appears
therefore conitant peoperty of this minerel to re-
main partially diffo:ved in the neutralifed liquor ;
and that minute proportions of it, mixed with gold,
are by this means diltinguilluble.
. Many other experiments were made of the
precipitations and precipitates of gold and platina, by
alkalies both of the fixed and volatik kind. The mull
remarkable an% were, that volatile elkalies, added
to bosh folutions in quantity OR (efficient to /Iterate
the mead, precipitated gold intierly, but platina only
in part, fo much of it remaining fufpended as to give
the fame retreat to the liquor as when fixed alkalies
were made ufe of: that, en adding a larger quantity of
the (pint after the precipitation of the gold, the liquor
became yellow, a pan of the metal being taken up
again ; and that the platina was more copioufiy re-
diffolved, the liquor becoming of a deep brownifla
red that the wethed precipitates of both metals,
whether made by volatile or fixed alkalies, proved
foluble, by moderate digaion, in (pint of falt
thok of platina much more difficultly and fparingly
than thole of gold.
3. By inAtetteeble Lipton.
I. Inflammable (pints, which revive gold froth its
folutions on form of yellow films, hate no fuch effeft
7 OD

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