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liquor undernelth remained °domed as at firft.

Computioons of platina and gold being diffolvcd in
aqua.regis, and tasted in the fame manner, the whole
of the gold was imbibed by the oil, and hm whole
of the plasma remained diffolved in the acid. The
oil, loaded with the gold, appekred of a fine yellow
colour, and, on handing for a few hours, threw off
great part of its contents, in bright yellow films, to
thc fides of the glals. Sundry other diflilled oils
were made trial of, with thc fame event. The gold
is elfdy recovered, by fetting the oil on fire ; and,
svhen thoroughly burnt out, melting the refiduum
with borax, ks in the preceding experiment. After
the feparation of the oil employed at firft, it may
be proper, for the greater fecurity, to add a fink
more; which, if any part of the gold fhould hap-
pen to have been Lek in the liquor, will effahually
take ir
3. The experiment was repeated likewife with
the fuleile fluid, prepared from vinous fpirits with
the vitriolic acid, called by the chemifh lecher. The
hparation fucceeded in the fame manner as before ;
the vbnt receiving nothing from pure platiret, but
inftently taking up the gold from a mixture of the
two. It is obfarable, that the gold imbibed by this
huid is kcpt permanently diffolved by it ; without
kparating or reviving, as it does from the common
elkntial oils and vinous fpirits.
a. The liquors remaining in there experiments,
after the esti-alias of else gold, esp..- on all trials
the fame with the common folutions of platina ;
and readily betray their being impregnated with that
mineral by their Coleta, by the precipitation with
Vos.. so. V tin,

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