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[ 164 ]

nude trial of, but without producing any fenfible

effett in either faunas
4. The experiments with green vitriol SVCre ts. 4
peatod on the folutions of p/atina and gold made in
fpirit of falt. The event was the fame as with thee.
made in aqua-regis s the gold being conflantly prs
cipitated, and the platina remaining diffolved.

It may be proper to obfcrve, that by the prate/Cs
here pointed out, the gold is purified from othes
metallic admixtures at the fame time that it is fepe-
rated front plants; the inflammable fpirits reviving,
efrential oils and sifter imbibing, and green vitriol
precipitating, gold alone. Care Should bc had, that
the piece of the mixt, taken fir examination, he
totally diffolved before any trials are made with the
folution; the menftruurn not at-hog with equal fa-
<Airy on the two metals, but diffolving the gold
more readily than the platina Where the acid hat
been dilute, and only a gentle heat applied, gra.
part of the gold has appeared to be taken up before
the platina was confiderably arted CM. Whcrc the
filter, with the gold iic it, is burnt in the crucible,
borax is the moil commodious flux : but as this fah
gives a fenfible palenefs to gold, a little nitre may be
injeCted, after the metal has come into felon, to
slime is colour. If the nits was added at brit,
whilft the gold continues fubtilely divided, fume par-
ticles of the metal would be diffipated during the
deflagration, which that falt produces wids the co/4
remains of the paper.

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