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its imaginary coat, is no other than plains Mil:

and, which is of name egtenfive utility, to chmi*
all the abufts, that may be made MO this own*,
and relieve thc gold, fo dchafed, twigs. otiginal puriag
and value.

XXI. els Atomise sr the Temple of Scrapia.

at Pozzuoli in the Karim of Naples:
In a Latter iv John Ward, LL. D. and'
R. S. Vice-Praf ey tits Rm. John Nixon,
M. it F. R. S.
S I R,
n,oOM. 7TEFOR E we enter upon a more
.757. particular conlideration of this no.
ble piece of antiquity, it may not be improper to
premife thc general account (and indeed thc only
one I have met with yet publithed), which is given
of it by Mar. Cochin and Bellicard, in I little (1)
treatife printed at Paris in ens. Theme gentlemen
acquaint us, that in 1749 thorn wan only three
pillars of this building viable, and that they were
buried half way within the ground but that loon
after, workmen being employed by order of the
King of the Two Sicilies to dig at the place, they
mune to the pedeltals of thole pillars ; and at length
dilkovered thc building to have been a temple, winch

1.) Olikwation, fur In Anwpmes dlisrculancvm, tsc


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