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r 167 I

(at it was judged by the ptincipal (a) idol found there,

and Come other circundiances) was dedicated to Se-
tapir. They tell ns further, that orally flames and
vafes of excellent workmanlhip had bmn taken out
H. the ntim; and that the whole temple was ex-
tremely Magnificent, being built, or cakd through-
out, with marble, even to the parts appropriated to
the mixneft offices.
This account, tho' that, is yet (efficient to excite
in the curious defile to be more fully informed,
both in to the ancient and modern fiare of this place.
To grati)r in forne meaftsre that define is the put-
pore of the relent letter.
In order to form any conjeflum concerning
the antiquity of the building before os, we omit
know, that the worIbip of Serapis, to whom it is
fuppokd to have been confecrated, was not intro-
duced at Rome till towards the end of the republic;
and then tolerated in the faburbs only (3). How-
ever, at length be was allowed to have temples
ended to him within the precinfls of the city
clnefly by the authority of Vefpafian, who was
thought to Inve reflored blind man (4) to hit fifht
at Alexandria by the aid and diroftion of this deny.
And upon this accoimt he continued to be held in
high veneration by Tina. and Dornitian, the font of
that Emperor, as appears by their (5) (tamping his

(a) (oe mane particular account of this fiatue, now n thc
plata at Polak, I in kat, to refer you to parr of eraoo tad'
before the Royal Scciety oa Feb. a+ lalt.
(41 St. Vtip. e. 7.
I y) Foe rotkaitio, fee Itiaaleflctoils German& huh'. Moo.

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