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image on the merle of their coins.

Now as It is
reafonable to fuppole, that the other cities of Italy
fullowcAthe example, of the metropolis in this in-
Rance, as well as, we find, they did in others of a
Grtaar nowise ; we May with (onto probability plaos
the found:awn of this temple at Poenob forntwhem
within the period aligned above.
As for the particular bate of this building, it
Lowed on the welt fide of the s WM, near to, and
upon a level with, the beach (Ste' TAD. IL). Lis
grand eatrabsce is towards the fouth, and feems to
have been a veltibule fuppected by four columns.
This introduces you into a fpaciout portico, or coo-
ridor (6), which was defigned to defend fuch as
affembled here to worlhip from the injuries of the
weather ; as alfo to afford a commodious pillage
into range of rooms of different dimendons, dif-
poled on all the four fides of the court.
There chambers Rem deigned for jareparing the
(artifices, lodging the prieRs, and keeping their re&
moms ; as alfo the fuel, Roma, and other things re-
quifite for the kiwi= of the temple not to omit
the convenience of purifiing both the prieth and the

10 P10 (4 is. ap. 3a.) acquainting his archinta with his

purple to repair tempi. 1 Cmes, vetch was open ha ear,
lays, , ytmuat. ,ifv,;urn oat Sve ras-
e,. fi,d fird. foam
oVnts,,, adelik, pro,: . ;Ram al ifs. b., hat
l hat thok portico's commonly motored the whole fae of the aa
cient temples, as e this at Poomsoli, forms implied in who
t al frorti,s, na
remand. mfi Isom, stp,....1.,oulsa roam.
ferifes xe,,, mine frojAsi cionadant tempi.: rum fel.. caoli
"mime dia. yid 4ivener.

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