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I beg leave further to mention a remarkable

pearance in Come of thc columns of this temple,
that that part of them, which was lowerosoft, on I
well as that, which was neared the copitala, is well if
preferved and pretty entire ; while part of the ine
ten-mediate fpace for two or three feet together is diG.
coloured. as if it had (offered by burning; and alio e

excavated in fuch a manner (9), at to coneain couhib f,

tudes of little thell-filh, which appear, like the phaa f

lades in fume Runes, almoa totally incloted within
their cells, lo as not to be got out without breoki%
I know no way to account kr this Co probable, al
by fuppofing, that the lower parts of there column
were keened by the malt of rubbifh, that inclofid
them, as the uppernsoft were by their elevated Gen,
tion, from being perforated either by the eorrofik
crality of the ka, which (according to tradition)
formerly covered the fite of this temple ; or by ties
animalcule, which are bred in that elemou
the middle parts flooding its the water were (per.
haps for ages ) expokd to the iojuries mmticard
above. I had no opportunity of taking the height
uf the uppermat hoc, where the above.mentimed

19) The lamed Meese de Venue, F.A.S. and Amiqmr,

Me Pope at Rome, lua lately by leam (avoured me with loe
mous account cal On phenomenon the be mentions the gram
columns only as afFabled by it. Cam &mom, pc. c.suniM
tomeornmor tmrio quince,. Jarrow "yea Rao
quo. mud, yme uftamoross poem flu, osyse to imam
momis "rye more imeimeer, civam luta Traub ab Man*
paw., "Lams heft. ( y Tbybucat) yam
ram, acnpmmcm, what opm ehuorb Om hullo a-
llocoram m 97. 1041 fahdyrsouly--

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