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[ 17 5

XXII. Same Remarks on a Parthian Cain

Thigh a Greek and Parthian Legend, never
Were publifbai In a Letter from the Rev.
John Swinton, M.A. ef Chrift-Church,
Own. F. R. S. to the Rev.Thomu lArch,
D.D. Secret. R. S.
ReWrend Sir,
nnoS M.. 4. A we bane Little of the reigns of
eke latter Parthian kings, and lth
fill of their coins; an attempt to lirike out even the
kali new light on either of thofe heads will not, I Fer-
Made myfelf, prove unacceptabk to the Royal Socety.
In this perinafion. I do myfdf the honour to krid
you 9 few conjetturet upon anodwr bract Parthian
medal, in my poffellion, as remarkable, on account
of the double legend it contains, as the former, which
I endeavoured a little to illthrate about a ymr ago.
This medal, which certainly merits the attention of
the Curious, is in very good confervation, and ap-
proathes near the tee of thofe of the middle Roman
brafs. It exhibits the bead, oc effigies, of a Parthian
kMg, arida a beard, diadem, and hair formed into
fuck awls ass I nem yet obferved upon any an-
tient coins. Linder the effigies, the Greek letters
SACifEtoN ME IAC MO , which demonthate
the piece to he Parthian, apizar s and, OR the reverie,
a riflery, done fomething after the Roman manner,
tho' thc workmanfhip is pretty rude, prefents iffelf
to our view, togetha with a legend in a language

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