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and cheroder at this time unknown. The legend It.

confids of ten complete elements, placed Itchnljthe

lelory above-mentioned betides which there
in thifitld of the medal, being probably the initial let-
ter ofthe name of the city whae the coin was thick ,

rheas:cal, the termed by me trek, decoy= four-

thio of a compofition Smiler to that of his Cox
the ke of Devonfloire's medal of Vologefes ID. a
deforibed by ( t) Sig. Hayes This coin, of which
I herewith tranfmit you a draught moll accurately
taken (See TAB. IV. Fig. t.), having not yet, as l
apprehend, Men publifhed; you will permit me now
to offer a few =they remarks upon it, drawn up in
the Ilion= and moll concife manner poflible.

1. The Creek legend, had all of it appeared,

would undoubtedly hove been either BACIAEWN
MEI-AC MONNFICHC of which I thould chafe
the former, notwideftending it is fuch Porthian Greek
as the round of the medal Stems not to have hoes
capable of containing the htter. It will bc, at if
fight, obferved, that this legend is different hot
thofe of the Parthian coins hithato defcrilied; which
are exhibited in the (a) genitive, not the =ninon%
cofe. The hal two lettere MO leave no room to
doubt, the the 0 is not fo extremely well prefetwd,
that the piece was !truck when Monnelbs fat upon the

1 11 Nicol. Haym Raman. Dd. TO, Ene. VoL ii. a y6,37.

In Lamb. .7.0.
(a) J. Foy Va. in ArAdd. J.ov. Parifia, .Namfa
Cdtea. Thom Pembroch. et Moons Goma. CoP.
T. 76. Meal-Rom ROMIO. obi fvp. p. 3o-313.

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