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178 3

a. That the Greek and Unknown legends mails

medal are either of the fame or a fimilar impat,
will be Kknowkged by all relied in this kind et
literature extremely probabk. The Greek md Ph.
nician kgends on the fame (7) coins of Tyre WI
Sidon, es I hen, limn examination, found, and thnu
hereafter more fully evince, clearly cotrelpond. The
Latin and Punic legends on Juba'a moiala as ha
been by me formerly proved (b), very well agree
The fenfe (9) l have afligned the legend in unknowo
charafters, exhibited by the remit of my former Pr.
thian coin, with, I flatter tnyfelf, Ionic apron=
of truth, fufficiently anfwas to the Greek one pm.
foxed by other medals of the fame prince. We
may therefore be permitted to fuppo(e, that bah
the legends handed down to us by the coin helm
me related to Monnefes, and conveyed the fame., or
at kaft extremely fimilar, ideas to the Parthiam
the Greeks. Nothing can be more confonant so
moron, tho' we mull not direaly affume this a a
yoflulate, than fuch a fuppofition.
3. This notion will likewife receive a farther *-
carton of Arength from the charatters of OthIch sIn
unknown legend is compofed. The firft of Moe
fo nearly approaches one of the forms of the Pal-

(7) Moran.. ubi (up. p. tI, Hadzian. Reim( P.

Lem. Illa/lren. Torn p. to ta, t et 5, tot 5. Tralelb BM.
rum, t 14. I bare Lam &Benetton In the prefs bete, Moll
potted off, carman' an mplcanon of confiderable numbet
nom of Tyre ma Sidon, mth Phoenician legends mom them
(8) De Nam piotfal Sea a c. Ihjet. p 53-56.
93. ;14-W. Trealeti. va. alit. p. 593...607.

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