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[ 183
having been fo clearly tV1130.1, by (bp p=dops thom
alledged. It may not be improper here to remark,
that thc repobhc of letters has been obliged with the
publication of two of this prince'. medals ; the firil
uf which vas( 39) coined m the year of the Parthian
2111 400, and the other in 435 3.). Neither of them
however exhibits the ritfory impreffed on the reverie
of mine. That fymbol, adopted by the Parthims
in imitation of the Roman manner, mull undoubt-
edly have alluded to for= vidory, or at kelt form
remarkable advantage, gained by the Parthian forces
over the Romans, a little before the piece was Rruck.
What that advantage was, when and where obtained,
and whether hiflocy confpires with the medal, in
order to fettle this ,point, I am [sat to inquire.
3. Monneks, if Dr. Valliant (3 t) may he cre-
dited, afcended the Parthian throne in the year older
Arfacide 423, nearly coincident with the 166th of
Canter, when M. Aurelius and L. Verus prefided
ma the Roman world. But fo far were the Par-
Miens at that time from glining any vidorks over
the Romans, that they were every where worfled
by them, and put to the rout. A Roman army,
under the command of Avidius Callum, had pene-
trated into Mefopotamia and Affyria, ravaged thofe
provinces, laid Seleucia in afhes, taken Cteliphon,
and levelled the royal palace there with the ground,

(2(,90 )
3.11.4. Se:, Epi1) . 2.

(3.) iF.7 Vail. ab, SI. P. 334, 133. 335, 339.


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