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confider this covering, for the future, as proper as4

nectffory for the weihbeing of there lade animals.
95 iiIcy 10 at prefent hair and wool for hafts,
theta and down for birds, and folks and aim, fa
This red coral is mentioned by Rumphius, in, pa
Ifr.borium VoL Tab. Sy p. The
but, as the figure he has given, is DOI kfficient tode.
monflrate its tubular texture and animal Iltuftues, I
have had it morc accurately drawn ; and thok pea
in particular magnified, which may tend to illuflra
the-foregoing dektiption. lie mentions, that it if 11
great efteem with ahem, on account of its brautiful
figure; boa would be much more fo, if it was ar
for the great difficulty they find in preferring de
fmallell twigs from falling off ; vvhich is the redo\
fuppofe, that this fpecimen h not more complete
Lailly, he tells us, that it is ufed by die inhabit.
ants of the Spice-iflands as a principal ingredient
their medicines to expel poifon t as alfo, that dr
have it hi great cameo ou account of its excelka
diurctic quality.
Upon examining this coral in the microkope, I
obferved, that the outfide tubes of the Ilern
chicfly liony, but that the inward parts were cap
poled of as many divifions of fpongy tubes, sk drre
were of flony ones
This I find ariks from thc fatality rarnificaticas,
which being fpongy at the knobs, and (key in the
fpaces between them, are inclofed and united aw
gether into one common mils during the growth
of this coral ; fo that both the foft and hard psra
together snake up the infide of its trunk or ilue
When we coamine minutely the two parts, dal

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