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[ 197 ]

I found it is bmckilll as any ks-Iratsr. The feveval

vegetables idfo, which I called, OMR all fah, mote
w kis, and continued fo foe five or fin days after s
the aline particlen not being then walbed off, from
the corn and windows in particular s the latter of
which, when the moiflure on the outlide was ex-
luled nest day, fparkled and appeared exceeding
brilliant in the funfhine. This filtnefs, I conceive,
has done the principal damage for common falt
diffolved in water, I find, upon erperiment on for.
hells vegetables (when fpr(ead two or three times
upon them) has the way fame efftift, except that it
does not turn them quite fo black: but panicles of
a fulphureous, or (a) other quahty, may have been
mired with it. That this falt water had been
brought from the fea (3), every body, I think, will
allow s but the stunner how (4), is not fa> teary to
This freedom, Sir, perhaps may want an apology )
bat, as a gendeman (5) of the Society you have the
honour to be a member of, did not think fornwhing
of thc like nature either unworthy of his own no-
nce, or that of thc world s and as the hurrksne win-
nnpnity afiettal thefe portals( natore, lee the knowlege
of which yea bme k2 eminently dillinguilhed your-

(2) la an adjoining bleach-yud. piece of cloth, which had

been lee ma all nighs, a, tornell yellow c and 0t not oattOnt
hem difficulty yrallei on gam. Scene alio, Mud cm fpneacl
the nna day, mategled Me fame cam..
13) The mnd teen maul,. and coefequently monk hemp the
Ihfh f ea.
In) No rim, or however vcr, Yale, during the Mahone.
Is) be Derhant, co Ma Phyfho Theekg.

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