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fhlf ; I flattered myfelf you would Mona theirreart

I fhould give you in a moral of an amulet of thix
very (huge, Tho hadrarno unnoticed. primemmeeors.
I ern, Se, with the igrealeA cefped **dam*
Tour moll'hutable'Seemnt,
Thomas Thomlinfon

XXV. An Account of tbe Elea; of Lidtninz

upon the Steeple and Church cf Leftwkbiel,
Cornwall ; ire a Letter to tbe Right Ho-
nourable the Earl vr Mace/afield, Frei-
dent of the R.S. By M. John Smeaton
F. R. S.
Rod April at. jAn.ary 25. 1757. about Ave ri ded
.757. in the evening, remain home frm
the Edyflone works near Plymooth, I oblervod
&rims of lighunng, withia the fpace of fix or Erre
minutes, towards the wed ; but beard no nuife el
thunder o. A few days after, was infoimed, the
the fame evening the lightning had Antlered it
church of Leftwithiel in a very furprifing manna.
The aft of March I was at Leftwithiel they
had then begun to repair the damages but had not
made fuch a fuch progrefi, but that the principd
elfeas were equally obfervable as at &R. 1 obferud,
and was informed, as follows

Dsft.rne.bomsOieyil n

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