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Under the fpindle, thdt carried the cane, was a her
of much the fame Gae end kngsh st, that palled
thni the center of «keret of the uppermott Roux
fuccellively, in order to unite them the more firmly
together, and was run in with lead all which fur-
rounding (tones were broke off, except one, which,
together with the bar, fell down within the tower.
The lhell of the !fire, as far down as 35 f«t from
the top, was no more than 7 inches thick, and the
courfes about the fame height : fo that kat« my
one (lone in the fpire could weigh more th. 30 or
ao pounds ; but t6y were joinM together at thefts&
with mortoife and tenon, in a curious manner,
Above 20 fcct of the upper part was intinly thrown
down, and difperfed in all diredions ; and, as I was
informed, foam pieces were found at the diftance of
eon yards. A great many limes fell upon the roof
of the church ; and &secret made their way thro'
both roof and cieling down into the church, break-
ing the pews, and whatever they fell upon. Six ket
ftill lower the fpire was !operated ; the weflunscfl
half being thrown down ; the eallern half was kft
Rending, but disjointed, and in fo critical a pother,
that it feemed ready to fall every moment s fo the
this was ordcrcd to be taken down immediately; and
likewife to 6 feet below, the work being found re-
markably fluttered. In this condition it was when
I few it. The whole of the fpire I found muck
cracked and damaged, but the remainder of they
inch fhell fo greatly, that there famed ft:truly
whole joint.

Ka. About four ft,: long, and oar kpare

4 ISa

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