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- The pediments over every face of the lanthorn

were damaged more or lefs ; but the whole Allier-
ing of that to the N.W. was torn off front the Mner
wall, to which it was conneded. At firft fight this
might item to lx done by the falling of the (tones
from above ; but I was convinced to the contrary, by
obkrving, that feveral of the pediments were da-
maged, and even Clones flruck out, where the little
pinacks above than were left (boding.
About the top of the landlorn is a bell for thc
clock to !hike an : kis bung upon a crofwbar, with
gudgeons at each end ; the whole being rofpended
to a beam laid semis the tower. The crofs-bar was
fo bent, that the clock-hammer would not touch the
bell by above 2 inches This could not be done by
the filliag of flow; Mende the beam would defend
the bell from receiving any Aroke in the dins:bon to
which the crofs-bar was hens As to the wire, that
drew the hammer, as I was infortned, not one bit
of it could be found.
Thc bells (four in number) for ringing hung in
the ()mare part of the tower, below the Irothorn, two
above and two below : the wheels of every one were
broke to pieces, and one of the iron Amps, by
which they art faftened to the yoke, unhooked ;
and, m appeared to me, could not bc replaced
without grmt fill., or unloofing. Whether their
accidents were occalioned by the lightning, or thc
falling dons. I lenve undeterrnineJ.
In the floor under the bells was placed the clock,
onfed up with flight boards. The verge, that carries
the palkts, was bem downwards, as if a ten pound
weight had fallen ton feet high right upon it. The
o so. Dd

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