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2,5 3

Wog mixed with the aliment and humours of the

Ifornach and guts, and afterwards with the whole
naafi of blocd, it is impothble but their force mull
he greatly impaired befoee they arrive with the urine
at the bladder. Math, therefore, urinary (tones are
01 a. liwoomon hard texture, we are perhaps
kareely to exfedt any ferifible diffolution of them
by the ufe of foap and lime-water but when they
are of a Coker kind, there is no melon to doubt, that
dick medicines will in time difolve them and this
will happen former or Liter, in proportion to the
bardoefa of the lone, to the quantity of the medi-
cines (wallowed by the patient, and the cud regi-
men hc oberves, as to diet (7).
But however lowly foap and lime-water may pro-
ceed in dilfolving the bone, yet they generally give
(reedy relief to the patient. Lord Walpole did not
lake del medicines in the full quantity till thc cnd
of July 1748 and, in a few months after, he was
not only greatly relieved of all his complaints, bur
in December was able to ride an hundred miles in his
coach, without finding any uncafincfs, akin, the 1110
1111 days of the journey the hoffea went at a full
trot (8). In winter 1710, 1.0d fpring 17/1, whets
his Lath:hip Ind lowatl only one third part of the
lap and Erne-water, whkh he had been in ale to
rake, ha paint and fresprent inclination to make urine
"tumra in go'd dr (9) bat, after taking the
medicinas io the full quantity, he loon became an
edy as before (so)n
(7) EY, on the Vit.. Lase-maer, ad sIn, p.
(2) Plat Tnaka. YaL etre. p 4*.
la) PtoO.TeseditO. Vol aki. p.Olt.473.
Oa) U., aa Luae.watar, &E. la 200,10,

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