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Computer Model Outer Caisson Dimensions (OCD)

Parameters Value Dimension
Wave conditions Hs,sls 4.57 m
HWLsls 2.45 m tov NAP
Hs,uls 7.43 m
Ф HWLuls 4.4 m tov NAP
Ht,sls 0.2 m
LWLULS -2.05 m tov NAP
s 3.5 %

Breakwater dimensions
b.l. -18 m tov NAP
hrm 3.25 m tov NAP
Bm 5 m tov NAP
θ 0 rad
α 2.2 [-]
Lc 75 m

subsoil coeff.
Фsub 37.5 deg.
csub 0 kN/m2
γsub,subm 11 kN/m3

Rubble mound coeff.

μ 0.6 [-]
φrm 40 deg.
crm 0 kN/m2
rρm,subm 16.5 kN/m3
ρwater 10.3 kN/m3
ρcs,emerged 21 kN/m3
g 9.81 m/s2
Sea level rise slr 0.5 m/century
Safety factor
γ 1.2 [-]

Outer caisson dimensions
Caisson height (sls) hcaisson 23.36 [m + NAP]
Caisson width (uls) B 21.09 m
Safety Factors
sliding γsliding 1.49 [-]
overturning γoverturning 1.72
bearing capacity rm γ,bearcap,rm 1.54
bearing capacity subsoil γ,bearcap,sub 1.21

wave periods TP,sls 9.144912 9.14 [s]
Tz,sls 6.401438 6.4 [
Ts,sls 8.687666 8.69
TP,uls 9.144912 9.14 [s]
Tz,uls 6.401438 6.4 [
Ts,uls 8.687666 8.69

Water heights
hsls 20.95 20.95 m
huls 22.9 22.9 m
huls,low 16.45 15.95 m
dsls 17.7 17.7 m
duls 19.65 19.65 m
duls,low 13.2 12.7 m

h'sls 17.7 m
hb,uls 22.9 22.9 m
h'uls 22.9 22.9 m
h'uls,low 16.45 15.95 m
h'uls,low 16.45 15.95 m

L0sls 117.8407 117.84 m
L0,lls 117.8407 145.15 m
Lsls 101.47 m
Luls 145.15 m
Luls,low 126.39 m

Wave heights: HD 13.374 13.37 m

Crest level (sls) hcrest 8.61 m tov NAP

KT,sls 0.04
hc 5.66 m tov NAP
hc Hl,sls 1.24<=1 voorwaardel
j 0.39

Wave forces
Horizontal wave force,uls,HWL
δ δ11 -0.24
δ22 -0.4
δ1 -4.89
δ2 -1.94
α α1 0.75
α2 0.03
α3 0.65
α* 0.03
α10 0.38
α11 -0.01
α1 0
Pressure coefficient
θ 0 rad
η* 10.78 m
hc* 5.66 m
p1 108.43 N/m2
p2 70.735 N/m2
p3 70.735 N/m2
p4 51.475 N/m2
pu 67.841 N/m2
P 2504.1 N/m2
MP 36633 Nm/m2
Local wave height with return period of 1 year
Water level with Return Period of 1 year
Local wave height with return period of 1000 years
Water level with Return Period of 1000 years
Acceptable wave transmission 1/year
design low water level, 1/100 years
wave steepness

bottom level
total rubble mound height (filter & levelling layer included)
berm width
incidence angle of waves
Goda coefficient
caisson length

internalangle of friction of the subsoil Ф

cohesion of the subsoil
underwater weight of the subsoil

friction coeff. Between concrete and rubblemound

internal angle of friction of the rubble mound
cohesion of the rubble mound
underwater weight of the rubble mound
density of the sea water
average density of emerged caisson
sea level rise

minimal safety factor

total construction height of caisson

total construction width of caisson
safety factor
safety factor
safety factor
safety factor

peak period,sls
zero crossing period,sls
significant wave period, sls
peak period,uls
zero crossing period,uls
significant wave period, uls

waterdepth seaward of caisson

waterdepth seaward of caisson
waterdepth seaward of caisson
waterdepth above rm (landside)
waterdepth above rm (landside)
waterdepth above rm

waterdepth above rm (landside)

waterdepth at distance 5 H1/3 seaward of caissonabove rm (landside)
waterdepth landwards of caisson
waterdepth at distance 5 H1/3 seaward of caissonabove rm (landside)
waterdepth landwards of caisson

deep water wave length

deep water wave length
local waterdepth wave length
local waterdepth wave length
local waterdepth wave length

Design wave height accosring to Goda

crest elevation level above design water level

transmission coeff.
Goda transmission height
Goda coefficient

Goda coefficient
Goda coefficient
Goda coefficient
Goda coefficient
Goda coefficient
Goda coefficient
Goda coefficient
Goda coefficient
Goda coefficient
Goda coefficient
Goda coefficient

incedence angle of waves

elevation to which the wave pressure is exerted
minimum of η* and hc
horizontal force on caisson per unit length of caisson
moment around heel of caisson resulting from horiz. Force
C2/gd=[y0+(1+0.652y0 + 0.4622 y02 + 0.0864 y04+ 0.0675 y05)-1]-1 where y0=2 pi d/L0
Tz=0.7 TP
Ts=0.95 TP
Tz=0.7 TP
Ts=0.95 TP


hb,uls= huls
h'uls = huls

L0sls=g Ts2/2?
L0uls=g Ts2/2?

HD = 1.8 Hs,uls

δ1= 20 δ11 if δ11<=0 and 15 δ11 if δ11 > 0
δ2= 4.9 δ22 if δ22<=0 and 3 δ22 if δ22 > 0
α1 =0.6 + 0.5((4 pi *h/Luls)/(sinh(4 pi *h/Luls)))2
α3 = 1 - h*/h{1-1/cosh(2 pi h/Luls)}
α* = max(α2, α1)
α10 =Hs,uls/duls for Hs,uls <= 2 duls and α10 =2 for Hs,uls > 2
α11 = cosδ2/coshδ1 for δ2<=0 and 1/(coshδ1)1/2) for δ2>0
α1 = α10*α11

η* = 0.75 (1+cos β) Hmax

hc* = min(η*,hc)
p1 = 0.5 (1+cos β) (α1+α*cos2β) ρwater + HD
p2 = p1/cosh(2π h/Luls
p3 = α3 p1
p4 = p1 (1-hc/η* )for η*>hc and 0 for η*<= hc
pu= 0.5* (1+cos β) α1 α3 ρwater + HD
P = 0.5 (p1+p3) h'uls + 0.5 (p1+p4) hc*
MP=(1/6)*(2p1+p3)h'uls2 + 0.5 (p1+p4)h'uls hc* + (1/6)(p1+2p4)hc*2
??????? ??????? ???????
??????? ??????? ?
water depth,d m 6 5 4
Design wave height m 4.68 3.9 3.12
wave period, T sec 10 10 10
deep water wave length, L0 m 156.131 156.131 156.131
y0 0.241458 0.201215 0.160972
Csqbygd 0.921234 0.933971 0.946786
Celerity, C m/sec 7.363685 6.768402 6.095234
Local wave length, L m 73.63685 67.68402 60.95234

omega rad/sec 0.628319 0.628319 0.628319

k 0.085327 0.092831 0.103084
ω2/gktanhkd 1.000348 1.000098 0.999845

kd 0.51196 0.464156 0.412334

sinh kd 0.534619 0.481003 0.424118
cosh kd 1.133939 1.109668 1.086221

Horiz. Velocity at sea bed m/sec 3.118465 2.826573 2.510359

angle of attack to pipe, deg deg. 25 25 25
velocity normal to pipe m/sec 1.31792 1.194561 1.060923
CD 1 1 1
CL 2 2 2
dia m 0.9 0.9 0.9
drag kN/m 0.801152 0.658193 0.519164
Lift kN/m 1.602303 1.316386 1.038328
pipe ID m 0.8 0.8 0.8
buoyancy kN/m 5.152212 5.152212 5.152212

friction coeff. of anchor block with sea bed 0.6 0.6 0.6
Submerged weight reqd. to avoid drag kN/m 1.335253 1.096989 0.865273
Dry weight reqd. to avoid drag kN/m 2.289005 1.880552 1.483326

Submerged weight reqd. to avoid lifting kN/m 1.602303 1.316386 1.038328

Dry weight reqd. to avoid lifting kN/m 2.746805 2.256662 1.779991
Required weight as % of buoyancy % 53.31313 43.79987 34.54809
3 2
2.34 1.56
10 10
156.131 156.131
0.120729 0.080486
0.959724 0.972846
5.314571 4.368893
53.14571 43.68893

0.628319 0.628319
0.118226 0.143816
0.999633 0.999527

0.354677 0.287633
0.36216 0.291615
1.06356 1.041652

2.158874 1.7506
25 25
0.91238 0.739835
1 1
2 2
0.9 0.9
0.383961 0.252468
0.767923 0.504936
0.8 0.8
5.152212 5.152212

0.6 0.6
0.639936 0.42078
1.097032 0.721338

0.767923 0.504936
1.316439 0.865605
25.55095 16.80065

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