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( 241

of foul, L hope you WS be humane enough to fur-

prefs them, and give me your objedions ; and by
Mat means lay a Mil greater obligation on one, who
has not the plefure to be perfonally acquainted with
you. From,
S I R,
Your verb humble Servant,
SLIMI, 33. 175.7. Eralmus Darwin,

To the ofry Inatterahle and learned the PRESIDENT
awl MEMBE Rs if the Royal Society.

. Gentlemen,
1,4" I./ S. MHERE is ever loch a charm at-
I tendant upon novelty, that be it in
philofophy, medicine, or religion, the gazing world
arc too often led to adore, what they ought only to
admire whilfi this vehemence of enthulafm has
generally Coon rendered that objett contemptible, that
would otberwife have long laid claim to a more fober
&can. This ma owe the fate of chemillry : the
vain and compost, boons of her adepts brought the
whole art into difrelped ; and I ihould he forry, if
her filler eledricity Mould (hare the fame misfor-
tunes. It is hence the ingenious Mr. Ecles will en-
coin me, fee endeavouring to lay before you my opi-
nion on the skent of vapours, the it by .0 moons
coincides with that he is Co flrenuous to
and pluck,. plume horn his idol goddefs eloftricity.
Soc. SO, I, Thy

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