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opake body in nature. And from this we may cof-

ha, that tranfparent bodies am only heated at their
&daces, and that perhaps in proportion to their
quantity of refradion : which will further give and
receive illankration fiom thole very modals experi-
ments, of producing cold by the evaporation of li-
mier', pablilhod by the karned Dr. Cullen, in the
late volume of Effays Phyfical and Literary, at Edin-
burgh. In theft experiments a (pith-thermometer
IV15 immerfed in fpirit of wine, and being fuddcnly
retradotd, nos again expofed to the air ; and as the
fpirit of wine adhering to the gills evaporated, the
fpirit contained within the thumumeter wn ohierved
to fubfide. Now as the difference of thc refradion of
fpinit of wine sad Oafs is exceedingly minute, com-
pared with the difference of refra&on of fpirit of
wine and air ; we may conader, mike above experi-
ment, the heat to be communicated to the thermo-
meter only at its ferface ban here the adherent fluid
eicapes as foots au healed; by which means the glafs,
and its contents, are deprived of that conflant addi-
tion of heat, which other bodies perpetually enjoy
either from the fun.beams immediately, or fronts the
emanatioos of other oontigootts wanner bodies ; and
nuill thence, in few minutes, become colder than.
The ingenious Mr. &lei, I dare fay, has already
forefeen the ofe I am going to make of this principle ;
tar. That the little Iphemles of vapour will thus,
"by .ftwaintethe ram. rays, acquire a conlbant
n heat, the: firrounding amorphere remain
cold." And as from the mmumiefs of their dia-
meters, if they we allowed to be globaks, they mutt

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