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r 248

common red letter-wafer touched by the Rune of a

candle. But as in this paper I have laboured (and
hope not without (accefs) to thew you, that fume
properties of (dm heat ale fulficicot to account (cc
the elevation and fupport of vapours lb in another
letter 1 propofc nearly to &months= to you, that
the ekftric ether is far from having my (hare in the
produelion of this important phcnomenon.
Grert emu.,
Litchfit ld, Your very humble Servant,
Mar. 1.0.
Erafmus Darwin.

To the very honourable and learned the Pest IDENT
and MEMBERS of the Royal Society.

Cent larten,
teat M. s. p VERY theoretical inquiry, whore
balm does not rell upon experiments,
h at once exploded hi thb well-thinking age r where
truth, under your patronage, has at length broke
thro thofe cloud, with which ruperftition, pnrny,
or parade, had overwhelmed her. But experiments
thcmfelves, gentlemen, arc not exempted from fal-
lacy. A Ilrong inventive faculty, a fine tweehanic
hand, a clear unbiaffed judgment, arc at once re-
quired for the contrivance, conduCt, and application,
of experiments r and even where there arc joined

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