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VS! liCe I casellark, the eloaric athaofplteve Rowing

round the wire and coating of the tohe above the
a, did not difplam thc air, but milted in its pores.
This experiment I formerly tried various ways, as
I had cormind, if the elearic matter would di f-
Voce air, it might have been applied to anfwer the
end of Reacn in thr ftcam-enginc, and many other
great mochas ical purgoks. But as from the above
it appears, that the contrary is true, it is evident, that
clearic matter futrounding particles of vapour muff,
ha faa. Uwe& their (pacific gravity, and cannot
any-ways bc imagined to facilitate that akent.
I may add further, that if this he wor, that it
the pores of air, it. fpecific levity cannot,
ryrv,:ty"oleans I know, he compared with that of
air, ks particular attraftion to facie bodies, at
kali to much the greater gull of the terror:pears
globe, is abundantly greater than that of air to thok
bodies and Mace its gravitation to the whole globo
would appear, a firft view, to exceed that of air.
But the more I confider this, the more perplexing
and amazing it appears to me and thence mull
leave it to the invehigation of my very ingenious
antagonift. or look other abk philofopher.
I cane DOM to the eaperioneatta. that are given us
to (how all vapour to hr clearifed. In dick Mr.
&les kerns to have bccn led into error, by not having
&fared, that many bodies elearifed will retain that
clothicity for fome time, litho' in contain with con-
duaors. The Leyden phial may be touched three
or four times by a quick finger before the whole is
dikhargal. Atoka all light dry animal or vege-
table fubilances, fuch as feathers and cork, do this in a
R z much

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