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[ 254

clouds, retest 211 affertion built n very eatable

foundation, whole whole fu may well
enough be' termed Oil dr-built cattle, the bafileis fa-
bric of i awn. -

Adilfa this, that Mr. &les, in page rae. toil, at,

that blitifelf has paired thro clouds refiring on the
fides of mountains. Ought not thofc clouds- to haw
inlifiechately diklarged their cledricity, and fallen t
And common experience may- remind us, that my
cold bodiEs will conderifc vapour, whatever be thew
eleftric properties. So mirrors, or the &fa of Win-
dows, n damp rooms, arc rrroft frequently &Kind
Overed with dew ; which, of all other bodies, ought
moll to be exempted from colketing vapours (up-
portcd by elearicity, as they are the kali capable-sr
aurae/ or draw off that ;ether.
From all whkh, well examined, I am pierfuaded,
gentlemen, yuu wfil be induced to Moclude, that
the; clouds may fometimes polfels an accumulation
of elethicity, yct that this is only. accidental cir-
nimflanee, and not a conilant one ; and thence can
have no poffible influence either in the ekvation or
fupport of them. I am,

Your very humble Servant,
&iamb 53. 57s4r. Erafmus Darwin


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