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XXXI. Ay 4croeint of a noto-thfroverod Spe-

cies of fly Snipe sr 7"ringa : In a Letter
to the Rea Tho. Birch, D. D. F. R.&
from Mr. George Edwards, Librarian of
the 011ege of Pbyficians.

5 I R,
assi thy s. I Tau a the:liberty to lay beim you
the figure osul dekription of a new-
61-covered fperics of tbe Inipe or tringi kind, w hie's VMS
lately fhot t Sowaby-bridge in Yorkente, and fent
to me by Mr. Fiord of Worley-clough, near HAS-
fax in the fame county. lithe account, that follows,
fludl be thought by you deferring to be communi-
cated to the Royal Society, the real bird, which I have
preferred dry, fball be produced at the fame time.
This bird is like m drape to mod others of the
tringa or fnipe Lied. Itr doe is better drown by dm
figure lying bcfore you (See To b. VI.), thth by the
dried bird, which is much Ihrunk fince the drawing
of it was made. I chine, by way of dillinelioa, to
Name it dm enot-footed tringa, as it differs from
other birds of the genus no otherwife, shm in having
kr tees webbed in the fame particular manner as the
Mica, er our bald-coot. OEIC of its feet is Gicwu
er the plate, magnified a lack, to make it dm bents
underflood, in what mthner the wcbs or membranes
threading on both fides of the rocs are kalloped so
indented at each of the toe-joints. Their foallopings
we laxly peitinated on their outer edges, as the en-
larged figure expeller. The hinder toe is fosall, acl

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