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[ 28!

to trouble your Ledthip with the following remarks,

which I find occeffary to fupport what I have al-
ready advanced on that head.
Flis fall argument is, That heaufe he does not
find as many polypea in the mralline adhering to
daps, Iord-pers, and buoys, as in deep watm on
oynes, ninkles, and rocks therefore he concludes,
the mane art not formed by polypes.
In =bet to this, In us examine the pliable Chuo .
nur of tells bodies, and how wifely nature has &
feuded foals tender fublhnees with a tough thin
weebranwooss covering, and we than find, that the
fe2 is calm enough ems mar the furface to give
than now Ingram, even in the firongell currents :
but, wdin*dtonbt, they arc more liable to he &-
timed in het agitated fintations, than in the calm
dqthe of die ka.
kerne argummt is, That finding pedypes are
not equally dikerfed ova the whole plant, how can
they fern itt and gine tas an example, Tab. VIII.
ji. 5- of naceDine, that is inerufted with many
other contlees ce polypes on thc !tern, but has none
on the branches.
,r4fare nniplathly kettle : the Dab( looks
for dr sail. part of the potype oo the &dee of
corilkse, confulaing it as a plant ; and indeed,
ifshiall14 kbe ode, hc ought fit to do but he never
' ftruaure of
the mien*. of the internal hollow
lkc gee. heerles, and throne],n of thok bodies, to
infann stfiefur he found on animal in theft
'Thift material pont, he kens not to no
thought are which is really the true point in con-
0."4.4,11:fent among gentlemen, who have not
.2.6A dooth bodies recce m fen-water
Vol_ so. 0o His

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