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3 3
No put of the fpirit, with which the cyllnder it
aka, can gel Otto the tub; as long ar the Aithunicnt
is kept in an <Telt pofition, or Cr. if it is carefuliv laid
on a table. For thul in this left afe Mme
of the (patio may get into the bail A. it will fife to
that pan of the la, winch is then uppermod, and
will pet toech the orifice of the tube n ; which was
thc cake for adding this ball, whkh would be un-
leceffary, if the inflrument wits kept militantly eree,
er nearly In If the fpirit Mould come to torte!, the
ornice af the tube o, it would work up between the
marcury and the glars ; which would put tbe ni-
firtuncrit out of order.

The thermometer fig. ,. is defigned for (hewing

Me grata cold, whkh happens in any place during
the time the effirument is len in it. The tube is
tent Into the fhape of a fyphon of unequal legs land-
ing parelkl to one a/ether the bend being at the
boom, The top of the thorter
, leg is bent to a
nght angle, and unmediately opens into a ball A,
hr means of a Mort bent tube on the op-
pofite 6de, communicates with a cylinder landing
parallel ea the kgs of the fyphon, and pointing
downwards. This cylinder contains the greateh
part of the fluid ; and is added only to make the
thermometer more fenfible than it would be, if the
ball A was made of a (efficient bignefs to contain the
proper quantity of fluid. This inftrument is filled
with fpint of wine, with the addition of much
Manny as is Mfficient to fill both legs of the
typhon, and about a fourth cc fifth part of the
hall A.

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