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bell in way finell drops. This thread of glafs is

(aliened by the beat given to the tube in rooking the
bend oat so the ball. lo order to fill thc (hotter
leg with mercury, to fit the Mfirument fix a new
expo:amok it muft be inclined till the mercury in
the boll coven tbe orifice of the tube er. The cy-
tither being then heated, the mercury will Im forced
tho the Mona kg, and will nut down the thread of
glatS in &opt, winch will loon unite. By this means,
Inch a "noisy of mercury mull be got into the
&oda kg, as, upon the cooling of thc infkrumerw,
will de liatheut to dthe all the fpirit of wine usto
Ce boll with kit degree of cold than what the
themmother I biely to be expoled to.
The holllA moll always bore fume mercury in it,
but rem enough to fill it up to the orifice of the
sobnt. It mull therefore bc made of fueh o floe,
to to contain all the mercury, which can come into
k irons the tube without being too full, lit thould
boppen to he nu& too (mall, fo as to be too full in
cold wenha, thy part of the mercury may eddy
be driven imo the cylinder, and got bock again into
the hell when u anscil in waroser weather.
It will be better to leave a little of thc fpirit those
he ft:mg it. the longed leg io which cafe the
Op of the (pied will thew the common degrees of
hen. for the filling the tube, in as to leave none,
4th:that with fome trouble ; and more of it will
hi In to get up thon, If dm infinitnent thould bug-
totnbt e held in an improFr foliation, or if it he
kr in too warm a place without filling the (home
with mercury by the method above defaibed.
tt too great s quantity atonic] get up, the it would Rr Ind

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