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town the ead of the tube, in order to fit the imam-

cent for new experimenr .
lf, by means of bladder, the ka.watex can be
keyi out ot the Oaf, this martiment may be made
m thew the COMM. dOlgref; Of heat ; bur men then,
cxner to lender it kis bulky, it tnay be better to
tinily the waist oi them as in the !art isilleument.
kwger lqg of thpeklphon May in that cafe he
male a: ihrxt at you ; orgy making the ball B
Log c000gls to receive all the mercury, which may
Ix dries iato it by heat.
If thermometers of this kind were to be lent up
thc tee by means of a kite, they might be made
bko thwe propakd for the fca but it would not be
weary to kaw them open.
AU it mold be defirable to make than es (mall es
peak they Should be mode co as not to thew the
comma degas of beat t and it would alfu, ust
dm amount, be minvenient to omit the thread of
giM placed within the fhower leg of the fyphon
Thn thread of glafs ia placed there
fig.3. sod 4.
a order to make the mercury till intu the ball A.
it 3. ix cyhoder C. fig. 4. in finalke drops, and alfu
o facilitate the filling the fhorter kg with mercury.
The latter purpole ntay be anfwered by having a ball
Wan towards thc bottom of the (honer kg, a.
n aked in fig. 4. at M : for as loon IS the mcrcur3
km ow of the cylinder by heat gets to that ball,
s till pals by the frith of wine. The other pur-
ser nay probably be anfwered by having the tithe
comefted as much at pollibk at ff.
la the foregoing inftrissuents the tubes made till:
I Inn of a large bore, as moll of the afore :is

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