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[ 310 3

them would inereafe by making ufe of frraller ones.

PObl Ith ones might be ufcd without much in-
convenience. The chief advantage will bc, the
making tbefe thermometers more fenfible of the
changes of heat, than when large cylinders are ufed.
This will be of ravine when the grateft degree of
beat a-cold continua but a Nan time.
It is better to life plain fpirit of wine, than what
is tinged, which feems more apt to caufe a foulnefs
in the tube, and thaeby makes the fanfare of the
mercury lefs well defined. I am induced to believe
fo, from oblerving, that the portion of (plias above
the mercury in the tube fig. 3. which at firft was
ftrongly tinged with cochineal, in forne months be-
came perfealy coloalefs, the tinging particles being
depofited in different parts of the tube, and raiding
a foidnefs there. The colour of the fpirits in the
cylinder does not appear to be altered.

The dark-lhaded part in the feveral figures rept,

(nets mercury, the dottcd part (pink of wnte.

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