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The Outer touch

What is this place that we the people call “creation of the

Almighty”? What am I? Am I Evil? Am I good? What purpose do I serve?
They say I can bring a change…can I? How can I? How can I, when I am
confused and do not even know my purpose? So…what is my purpose?
Who decides? Did I hear Almighty? Who says so…By what means does
he convey to us? We are social animals; do wild animals have a
purpose? If we do have a purpose, then why not them. I have heard
that ants can carry up to 8 times their own weight. Do we
underestimate them?

Our life is a box, an empty box. The empty box floats on an ocean.
Our life is merely floating and keeps on doing so, while its aim is to
reach the ocean bed. Imagine that every time I truthfully had faith in
something or somebody then weight of that box increases. We can also
say that faith is another way of self satisfying us.

In earlier days the Scholars of a territory saw that all common

men and women in that territory had a very disturbing unrest among
themselves. They used to fight among each other and fall into bad
practices. Being well learned about the human nature, they presented
such stories to the people, that they saw them and started learning
their true values and purposes in life. The story was generally about the
reincarnation of Gods and Goddesses (e.g.:-as shown in Mahabharata
and Ramayana) as the scholars saw the respect the common people
had for them. This was a very smart way to make the people
understand their reason for existence, that is, follow the path of peace,
respect women and live for all in everyone’s heart. It showed the
people how to have faith in one-self, and others, like friends, brother,
sister, wife and mother.

Soon there emerged an era of peace. Did this really happen

fellows? Was what I just said true? If yes is that era this era? If no, what
really happened? The scholars thought they would succeed but human
mind is never a predictable thing, you see… the story became a best-
seller and that’s all. The end of it!!!

I am 17; will someone please tell me my true purpose? Are we

doing justice to mother Earth…?

‘The power is yours’…huh!!! OLD STORY isn’t it?

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