Lies of A Guy

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It is a universally acknowledged fact that boys lie to girls and girls lie to boys. And most of us
would agree that some lying is necessary to lubricate and run a relationship smoothly. Lies are
acceptable if they are not meant to harm anyone. We all lie sometimes and find is quite useful
too. There may be lots of reasons for lying and sometimes we lie without any specific reason.
We lie for fun just to impress others. Like while dating on internet we lie about ourselves too
much. Boys use lies to win someone whom he adores…….whom he wants to be with. And
someone said that “All is fair in love and war”, so lying to win love is acceptable if it doesn’t
hurt anyone.

Well! I have come across few very interesting and frequently used lies. I have heard them
several times and I am sure you guys must have heard them or some of you might have used it
as well. I am listing those lies here hoping that you all will agree with my words.

 “I topped in class” or “I am a pro in this game”

This is a classic category of lie which every guy must have used at least ten times till the
age of 22. Every girl wants someone who is brilliant and a champ, just being a mediocre
won’t help in impressing. So a guy uses this lie as a dart to hit bull’s eye.
I remember my friend RAHUL, who used to play as 12th man in our college cricket team
used to call his girlfriend boasting about his heroics in the field. The silly girl was
unaware of the heroics of RAHUL in lying……….but RAHUL with the help of this lie was
able to win her heart.

 “I’ll drop you to your home, I have some work near your home”
Earth is round, isn’t it? A boy will have always some work nearby a girl’s home whom he
wants to impress. So whether a boy lives on mars he will always say that he has some
work nearby Venus. The real motive behind this lie is getting some time to spend with
the chosen one. This lie is a clear indication for a girl that the boy is interested in
I remember once during my school days, I took 15 km long route to my home when it
was just 5 kms far just to spend half an hour with my first crush. Ah! It was so
special……….anyways I used it several times, you guys count how many times you chose

 “You are different, you are not like other girls”

Everyone wants to be different, wants to be praised. Every girl asks what’s so special
about her? I mean every guy encounters this question. Now I guess it’s difficult to find
something really different for a guy which makes that girl unique he says this half lie?
“you have the prettiest smile” or “you have prettiest smile” etc are other form of this lie.

 “I was just helping her………that’s it”

How many times have you helped your male friend by doing his personal works or by
dropping him home with your own will? Compare it with the number of times you
helped any of your female friend…… what’s your answer? Do I need to elaborate this
lie anymore? Hmm?
Helping is all right but is it only helping or trying to impress the girl? Buddy it’s like
helping her to help your own heart. Heart which wants to connect with the helped

List is endless as there are as many lies as there are mouths in this world. All I tried is to
mention few lies which you guys can relate to. All you guys whose lies gets caught after this
blog please forgive me!! And all you guys who find these lies useful for them just leave your
comment thanking me because I am very greedy for your comments ………………..keep on lying
but never hurt anyone!!!!! All the best…..

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