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The players choose a bigger open area where it is

PREPARATION possible to hide. It could be a residential district or
a forest.

One of the players is the “trihvaa master“. A spot, usually a door, is chosen for hitting


 The trihvaa master, facing the door, leans on it, covers his/her face with his/her hands,
and starts counting to 100 in a loud voice.
 The other players have to hide while he/she is counting.
 The trihvaa master starts looking for those who have gone into hiding.
 When he/she gets a glimpse of someone, he/she calls the person’s name, gives a hard
slap at the door, and calls out: “Trihvaa!“
 This puts the person whose name was called out of the game, and he/she can come out
of hiding.
 Each player who has hidden him/herself must attempt to sneak closer to the spot
where trihvaa is hit, run out of his/her hiding place while the trihvaa master is farther
away, and “stick him/her to place”. This way, there is a constant race to the trihvaa
hitting place between the trihvaa master and the players in hiding.
 The trihvaa master is the more honorable, the more players in hiding he/she manages
to “stick to their places” (discover them and call out their names while slapping the
door). The player who was discovered first will be the new trihvaa master.

Instead of the word “trihvaa“, “uka” is used in some places.

Comenius project “Vintage games” Rapla Vesiroosi Gymnasium

Comenius project “Vintage games” Rapla Vesiroosi Gymnasium

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