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Children and adults. The number of players: 2-…

TOOLS special facilities are not needed


 The first player starts the game (circle) with the sentence " I was packing my bag. I
put ...(gives the name of a thing) there".
 The next player says: „I was packing my bag and put a ...and a... there (The player
repeats the previous and adds one thing).
 The game continues and the every participant has to recall the previously mentioned
things and then add his/hers.
 After a while the list may look like this:

"I was packing my bag and put there: an apple, 2 T

shirts, 17 coins, a thread, a toothbrush, a watch etc.“

o If a player skips an item or says

RULES the things in the wrong order, he is out of
the game (circle).


 Word games are divided into two types – The first consists of words with a similar
sound, pronunciation, connections and replacement of letters. The second type is
guessing the words and objects or reordering.
 The game is based not on wisdom, but a developed and trained memory.
 Usually children are incredibly successful in the game.
 Develops fantasy world
 Increases the player`s knowledge and vocabulary capacity
 Fun entertainment

Comeniuse projekt „Vanad mängud“ Rapla Vesiroosi Gümnaasium

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